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Chapter Topics ~ Spring 2019

Best Practices

ACRL webinar “Overcoming Biases and Microaggressions in the Workplace” viewing in Georgia.

by Sofia Slutskaya, Georgia Chapter of ACRL

Georgia Chapter of ACRL collaborated with a newly formed Georgia Library Association Black Caucus (GLA-BC) interest group to organize ACRL webinar “Overcoming Biases and Microaggressions in the Workplace” viewing. For this year event we selected a topic with the broadest appeal to library professionals from all library types and held the viewings in both academic and public libraries on two different dates at five locations across the state. Eighty library professionals registered to attend the event. To make the events truly interactive, all locations held discussions and workshops after the viewing. In two metro- Atlanta locations, two academic librarians  guided participants through a user-experience design exercise  called “empathy maps” to examine how other people would see a controversial issue. Feedback from the viewings, discussions, and workshops was very positive and generated ideas for future events and collaborations.

The ACRL GA Chapter and the GLA Black Caucus (GLA-BC) would like to thank the libraries and the librarians who worked closely with us to make these webinar viewing parties happen. They included Alison Cook at Columbus State, Oscar Gittemeier at Atlanta-Fulton Library Metropolitan Branch, Ann Fuller at Georgia Southern Armstrong Campus, Karen Manning at Georgia Tech, and Rachel Evans and Sandra Riggs at the University of Georgia.

Librarians sitting around round tables looking at a screen


Send us your Best Practices and Professional Development Events and Strategies- Topics may include the following but are not limited to:
  • Managing membership
  • Running a non-profit organization 
  • Website design 
  • Demonstrating the value of membership/increasing membership
  • Working with vendors 
  • Soliciting speakers 

Spring 2019

Chapters Council Roster

Ed Rock




 Leslin Charles 



 Lisa Nickel 



Rachel M. Minkin 
​Past Chair


Ali Larson


 Ryan Gjerde
List Administrator


Cynthia Coulter
LibGuide Adminstrator


 Heather A. Dalal 
​ LibGuide Administrator 



 Megan Griffin 
 Staff Liaison 



 Kimberly Copenhaver 
​ Legislation Assembly