Chapter Topics is published two times a year by the Chapters Council of the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association.
Next Chapter Deadline:
April 30, 2020
Send submissions to:
Leslin Charles
©American Library Association
American Library Association
50 E. Huron St.
Chicago, IL 60611
800-545-2433 ext: 2539
Hello Chapters Council-
I hope that many of you are past the frantic beginning of the academic year, and settling into a comfortable groove.
I thought this might be a good time to give a few reminders for our Chapters Council members to make the most of our group and ACRL resources.
I hope that every chapter was able to meet the July deadline from ACRL to submit an annual report. If you submitted your chapter’s annual report on time, you are eligible to get someone to speak at your conference for free from the ACRL Speakers’ Bureau. There are ten visits available each year and it’s first come, first served.
Additionally, don’t forget that each chapter can request one free list of chapter members for your state by contacting our Chapters Council ACRL Liaison, Lauren Carlton ( Remember that each chapter can ask ACRL for funding for your conference expenses (on a reimbursement basis) based on the ACRL membership of your state. You can also request ACRL swag and handouts for your conferences. And, each chapter can request a group registration for 2 ACRL webinars each year. Lauren can also help with the registration codes for your group.
During our Chapters Council work group meeting at ALA annual in Washington, DC, we had interest in some “best practices” for chapter leaders. We hope to get a small group to volunteer to collect and share out a list of best practices that include things like a timeline for chapters council members (including those July reports to ACRL), responsibilities for each position in chapter leadership, and sharing out calls for chapter conference proposals and registrations, as well as themes on the Chapters Council listserv and more. If you are interested in helping to create a list of those best practices, please let me know.
A final reminder. We will hold a virtual meeting in January, instead of an in-person meeting at ALA mid-winter. We will share details for that meeting to the Chapters Council listserv as it is planned.
Lisa T. Nickel
Associate Dean of Research & Public Services
William & Mary Libraries
w: 757-221-1777 | e:
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Chapters Council Roster
Lisa Nickel
Leslin Charles
Alison Marie Larsen
Vice Chair
Ed Rock
Past Chair
Jessica Brangiel
Ryan Gjerde
List Administrator
Cynthia Coulter
LibGuide Adminstrator
Heather A. Dalal
LibGuide Adminstrator
Lauren Carlton
Staff Liaison
Kimberly Copenhaver
Legislation Assembly