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Chapter Topics ~ Spring 2024

Message from the Chapters Council Chair

Since this is my last Chapter Topics Newsletter message as Chair, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to serve in this role for the past one-and-a-half years, including my time as Interim Chair. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with all of you to help Chapters Council fulfill its mission of building stronger relationships between the state and regional chapters and the ACRL and ALA leadership.

By the time you read this message, we may already have candidates for Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect and Secretary, along with a replacement for List Administrator. In case not, however, I would strongly encourage you to consider nominating a colleague or yourself. Let the current Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, Leslin Charles, know at Check the Chapters Council space on ALA Connect for more information, including each position’s responsibilities.

Speaking of upcoming leadership changes, please make certain that the roster of state and regional chapter leaders is up-to-date, especially if your chapter has held new elections recently. Please view the roster here. Let Aleah Price know, at, if any of the information for your chapter is not current.

Thank you to everyone who presented at, or attended, February’s webinar on interesting or unique projects by state and regional chapters. While the Chapter Topics Newsletter provides an excellent opportunity for the chapters to share their activities and accomplishments, the webinar gives chapters another chance to reach individuals and groups beyond just Chapters Council. Please watch for a call for presenters on ALA Connect soon. Also, check ALA Connect for information on the summer membership meeting, which will take place in June.

Again, thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Chair, and please welcome Leslin Charles to the role as of July 1. I have no doubt she will provide strong and steady leadership for Chapters Council.

Eric Edwards
Chair, ACRL Chapters Council

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Spring 2024

Chapter Topics Logo

Chapters Council Roster

Eric Edwards
Eric Edwards

Leslin Charles
Leslin Charles
Vice Chair

Sarah McHone-Chase

Paula Martin
List Administrator

Amber Willenborg
Editor / LibGuide Administrator

Lauren Carlton
Staff Liaison

Aleah Price
Staff Liaison

Laura Hall
Legislation Representative