Chapter Topics is published two times a year by the Chapters Council of the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association.
Next Chapter Deadline:
April 30, 2021
Send submissions to:
Leslin Charles
©American Library Association
American Library Association
50 E. Huron St.
Chicago, IL 60611
800-545-2433 ext: 2539
Well friends, we find ourselves almost at the end of the fall semester. Some of us may be remote, some in person, but all of us working our way to that finishing line. It's hard to believe that we have reached the end, but we did (well, almost!). Our skills, patience, resolve and determination may have been tested, but we made it through. Wow. I think, regardless of the particulars, we can all say that has been a semester like no other. A year like no other.
To be honest, not a whole lot needs to be reported since our last newsletter. What I can report is that we are planning our next meeting and that will take place after ALA Midwinter, which is happening from January 22-26, 2021 (the registration for Midwinter is currently open). We are aiming for late January or early February. Please keep an eye out for the save the date on the listserv. The meeting will be held remotely and so we hope that you will be able to join us. We are planning to provide an engaging presentation as well as our traditional business meeting. More details will be forthcoming.
I wish you a calm and successful end to your semester. And that we are able to take a breath in what we have accomplished as we gear up for what is next. We are pretty awesome.
Take care and be well.
Ali Larsen
Chair, ACRL Chapters Council
Serials Librarian, Siena College
w: 518-782-6765 | e:
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Chapters Council Roster
Alison Marie Larsen
Leslin Charles
Dawn Behrend
Vice Chair
Lisa T. Nickel
Past Chair
Eric Anthony Edwards
Ryan Gjerde
List Administrator
Amber Willenborg
LibGuide Adminstrator
Lauren Carlton
Staff Liaison
Carrie E. Dunham-LaGree
Legislation Representative