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Chapter Topics ~ Spring 2023

Spotlight on

Strategic Planning Case Study: ACRL/NY's Committee for a New Vision

By Linda Miles & Carrie Marten, members of ACRL/NY’s Committee for a New Vision

Volunteering for the Metropolitan New York Area Chapter of ACRL (ACRL/NY) is a highly rewarding experience, for a number of reasons, and many of our long-time volunteers speak about the organization with passion and loyalty. However, of late it has been extremely difficult to attract and retain new volunteers to run for office or to fill other roles. This difficulty in attracting and retaining volunteers is what has driven us to create and support the work of a "Committee for a New Vision." Other factors include the need to focus more on DEI and accessibility, and to consider new modes of interaction (virtual and hybrid).

The Committee for a New Vision (CNV) was created by our Executive Board in October of 2021, after recognition of the need for deliberate reflection about the organization, its mission, its structure, and about the value of volunteering. We decided to suspend the Annual Symposium for December of 2022 and recruited an intrepid team of volunteers. During our initial meeting in December of 2021 we developed goals, and processes for soliciting input and feedback, debate, reporting, and transparency. Here is a sampling of our key documents, providing context and examples of the work of the committee:

  • Mission and Vision Statement for the CNV
  • Survey for input: email to stakeholders, survey questions, data and analysis
  • Umbrella topics: structures, events/programming, initiatives
  • Example notes from committee discussions
  • Example monthly report to the Executive Board
  • Our new organizational chart
  • Our new Mission/Vision Statement for the organization
  • Draft of potential bylaws revisions

We are currently drafting a Handbook covering all volunteer positions, new and old. All of our notes and documents are managed on Google Drive, providing us with an ability to collaborate in real time during meetings and provide wider access to Executive Board members, ACRL/NY members, and others when warranted.

Current, ongoing pilot initiatives developed through the CNV process include: a "Presidents' Council,' who meet periodically to keep the work of the association moving forward; new support roles for our elected Members-at-Large; and a concerted annual marketing campaign for nominees and other volunteers. In addition, we have just kicked off a working group to set up a pilot Communications Committee.

There are a few more pilots in our future, and the work of the CNV has slowed at this stage, but continues in a measured way as new initiatives are added. If anyone is interested in learning more about this rewarding work, please contact Linda Miles at

Spring 2023

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Chapters Council Roster

Eric Edwards
Eric Edwards

Leslin Charles
Leslin Charles


Vice Chair

Alison Marie Larsen
Past Chair

Laura Hall

Ryan Gjerde
Ryan Gjerde
List Administrator

Amber Willenborg
LibGuide Adminstrator

Lauren Carlton
Staff Liaison

Laura Hall
Legislation Representative